What is a Tea Pet and Where Can I Get One?

white ceramic cat Chinese tea pet with hands clasped in front

What are these mysterious Tea Pets? Origin and Usage Revealed

Tea pets are small, decorative clay figures placed on tea trays during traditional Chinese tea ceremonies. They are believed to have originated in China during the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) and have become an integral part of Chinese tea culture. These charming figurines are not only a delightful addition to the tea enthusiast’s collection but also serve a purpose in the tea-making process by being “seasoned” with tea during the ceremony.

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Leaving Your Dog Home Alone…Again? Separation Anxiety in Dogs

golden retriever dog playing with two little girls in the yard

Separation Anxiety in Dogs? YES, and It’s a Real Problem!

Don’t you agree that our pups are probably living their very best lives right about now? 

Could anyone have ever thought or imagined that a tragedy such as COVID-19 would be the reason why so many of us now get to spend so much more time loving and bonding with our best friends and fur babies. And for this unexpected gift, we couldn’t be happier.

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sprig of yarrow for natural toothache relief

Natural Toothache Remedies Using Teas and Herbs

Your Teas and Herbs Can be Great Natural Toothache Remedies

Have you ever considered trying natural toothache remedies using teas and herbs?
It’s something you can do easily and quickly until you can see a dentist.

Usually, a toothache can be caused by swelling due to anything from a cavity, a cracked tooth, an infection in your gums, or even a sinus situation. These might all cause throbbing gums and intense, pulsating headaches and of course, a very achy mouth.

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white cup of tea on white saucer being spilled

Spilling the Tea – We all have our own tea story to tell

What’s Your Tea Story?

I’m writing this, in particular, today for one of my dear cousins because she asked me the question. I was just going to answer her in a text message but then decided that first of all, I can type a heck of a lot faster than I can text, and secondly, I can easily share it with anyone else who might be interested in reading it. After all, we all have our own tea story to tell.

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