terrier dog drinking some herbal teas and a green from white teacup

7 Herbal Teas for Dogs That Will Boost Health and Make Them Happy

Herbal teas for dogs? And a green? Can dogs drink decaf tea? Yes to all questions, but you are the guardian of your beloved pet! Read First!

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Can dogs drink tea or can dogs drink decaf tea? You are wise to ask and seek the answer before ever letting your pet sip a single drop! There actually are herbal teas and a green for dogs. Although not specifically “for” dogs (cause they’re for us humans too),  but your pup may just find them delicious and beneficial.  

Throughout the centuries, we humans have not only enjoyed herbal teas for their flavor and fragrance but also (and so importantly) for all the beneficial qualities they offer us!

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DeLonghi Electric Kettle Red

DeLonghi Electric Kettle : Stylish and Convenient.

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       DeLonghi KBO1401W

 DeLonghi KBO1401W electric kettle

In a household of tea drinkers, oatmeal eaters, and French press brewers, an electric kettle is necessary to save time and keep up with the demand for boiled water. Through our research, we have found the electric kettle that can keep up with every family’s most avid tea drinker.

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Cartoon of three ladies in red hats drinking tea

Who Says America Has No Tea Culture?


Sometime during the past few months, I came across an article about tea ceremonies in different parts of the world (you can find the link at the bottom of post). While I did find it to be an enjoyable read, it bothered me that the author began by stating “America doesn’t really have what you’d call a tea drinking culture, save for the sweet tea sipping crowd down South.” Well, this got stuck in my head and kept on nagging me. I don’t agree with that statement. We may be a young country in comparison to the rest of the world, but to say that we don’t have a tea drinking culture, hmm? Nope… I think America’s tea culture is alive and well!

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Aroma Electric Kettle: Great Quality and Affordable Price Tag!

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Aroma Electric Kettle Review

Aroma H20X-Press

The ability to boil a simple pot of water is one of the essential components of any kitchen and the Aroma Electric Kettle can soon become your new best friend! Whether you want a cup of tea, some instant coffee or you need boiling water for a French press or a bowl of oatmeal; you know you need to heat up some water. 

For many years, your only option was a traditional tea kettle or a pot of water on the stove. But with electric kettles, heating up your water has never been easier or more efficient.

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Electric Tea Kettle for Boiling Eggs???

We found the video below to be quite entertaining, funny and a tiny bit informative! Couldn’t wait to share it with you and give you some “food for thought” lol.  Never would have considered using an electric tea kettle for boiling eggs in this way, and still not quite sure if we would, but we’re certainly not judging anyone. As they say “Whatever floats your boat”…

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